Friday, October 1, 2010

Aaralynn is pretty funny

I was trying to get all of the dishes out of boxes and washed. So I put a movie in for Aaralynn and turned some music on in the kitchen for me. Aaralynn comes in the kitchen to talk to me and I had a spice girls on so I'm singing and we are dancing and Aaralynn says "I like this song Mommy" She decided to stay in the kitchen with me and I got to the pots and pans. They were wrapped in plastic that I couldn't get off so I took a knife and started stabbing it so that way I could get it off. Well she looks at me and says "Why are you killing that mommy?" I'm thinking what in the world, how does she even know what that is! I asked her where she heard that from and she says "Tyler", which is my boyfriend. Of course I called him and asked him about it and he just starts laughing saying he never taught her anything like that and says it must be from the hunting shows. Sometimes Tyler and his family will watch Aaralynn for me when I go to work, Tyler and his dad tend to watch hunting shows and Aaralynn just loves them. She went out and used the old bow that Tyler's dad made for him when he was young and a really dull arrow to shoot the fake deer, Tyler's dad helped her. It's just wonderful to know that she loves hunting. But I've always wanted to go hunting too, so maybe we could go together when she gets older :)

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