Thursday, September 9, 2010

Moving Out

This is sort of long, i just wanted to rant and now i feel better :)

Yay, i went and payed the deposit for my utilities today and they will be on tomorrow, i just have to fax this paper to the gas company and i'm good to go. I actually have a day off work tomorrow so i'm taking full advantage of that and will have everything moved by tomorrow night, i can't wait!
I figured once i started school that maybe things would be a little better around this house but of course not. Basically i have 7 classes i go to, work about 37 hours a week, and take care of my daughter with no help except from jocelyn who watches aaralynn while i'm at school and work (she is fantastic) and yet other than wednesday mornings when my class starts at 8 i wake up with my little brother who is three and take care of him and my daughter until i leave for class. Then for the little amount of time that i am home all my stepmom does is complain about how she works 40 hours a week and she is so tired and nobody helps her, why she says that i have no idea because my dad leaves for work at 6:30 and comes home around 5 monday through friday and is with her son ALL of the time other than his work and its not even his kid! He signed the birth certificate because he is a loving and caring person and my stepmom just wants to be an ungrateful b word and complain about anything she can. She doesn't even pay the bills and my dad pays for her 19 year old daughters phone and car but if he says anything to her, even if he isn't yelling, that isn't nice the stepmom goes crazy. If i had someone willing to help me out with my daughter and be a father figure to her i would not complain about anything because he didn't have to. Today...i get home from class and as soon as i walk in the door she is screaming about having to do dishes because my dad didn't do them, she hasn't been to work in a week because she is on vacation and my dad took her to texas on a plane and to two concerts, he was sitting there playing with my little brother so who knows why she was screaming. Anyways she started slamming stuff around and breydon (little brother) tells her to stop slamming stuff and she says well breydon get used to it because thats how its going to be. Then starts telling him because your dad thinks that i'm just an effing b, except she used the actual words, to a three year old! She does it all the time, even to him like i'm gonna beat your a word. I can't understand how any person, especially one who is 38 can look a little kid in the face and cuss at them. All i have to say to that is she is the one who has raised him and he looks up to her, the way he acts is not his fault. I admit i get very angry with him because he is a brat but i know it isn't his fault and so i try to tell him what he should do and what would be nice but nobody else bothers doing that and now i'm leaving so he has no structure whatsoever. That is the only reason why i would hold back on moving but i can't let aaralynn live in this type of environment and he isn't my responsibility so there is nothing i can do. It makes me sad but hopefully one day when he grows up he will learn differently.

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