Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween :)

I'm pretty excited for Halloween this year. I have to work 10:15-4 and we get to dress up at work. Then I get to go home and get Aaralynn ready in her bumblebee costume. I'm going as Alice in Wonderland and Tyler is going as a zombie soldier. Tyler and I decided that Aaralynn would be a bumblebee but we didn't tell her, we just went to the costume store together. When we got there Aaralynn was just walking around touching everything then she grabbed the bumblebee costume and said she wanted that one. It was pretty funny and I'm glad she liked it. We got to the bags for the candy and Aaralynn picked out a Cinderella bag. Tyler told her she can't tear it up because she needs it for Halloween. So after we got home she said "Tyler said I can't tear it up Mommy." I told her she can't because on Halloween we get to go trick or treating and she is going to get candy in that bag. She said "Oh, this is my candy bag?" So everyday she asks when she gets to be a bumblebee and use her candy bag to get candy. We have been counting down the days. Tyler's parents got her a pumpkin and Tyler asked her what shapes she wanted for the eyes, nose, and mouth. He let her help him draw on the pumpkin then he carved it for her. When she was scooping out all the stuff inside she kept trying to use the little plastic shovel saying it was her shovel, she got frustrated with it, reached inside and grabbed a big handful, then she put in on the shovel to put in the bowl. After a few times Tyler told her to just put it in the bowl from her hand, that she didn't need the shovel. When they were done Tyler's sister Macheala pointed out that the stem on her pumpkin looked like a ponytail and she tied a bow on it. This is the first year that Aaralynn actually gets to go trick or treating so it will be a fun experience and I know she is going to love it, especially the candy. But she might get mad when I limit her so she doesn't get a tummy ache or anything. But then again when I tell her she might just say "Oh." She tends to do that a lot. At least she listens well ha ha.

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